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Lean Service Simulation:  Feedback
This is the feedback form to complete once you have taken part in the simulation.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
* Indique une question obligatoire
Lean Service Simulation Feedback
Did the simulation achieve its aims? *
How do you rate the design of the simulation? *
What design change would you recommend? *
Votre réponse
What two things do you like about the usefulness of the simulation? *
Votre réponse
What two things would you ask to change? *
including where content or instructions are not clear
Votre réponse
Would you recommend this simulation to a colleague? *
Would you see the price for this simulation as a good investment? *
Thank you. Final Question (not mandatory)! Your name and organisation?
Votre réponse
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