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Author archives: Gautam Pujari


Thinking Flow

Thinking Flow

Every day, on workstation I sit in the muck.
and wonder who pays for all this rework?

Who’s the real customer, who?
Not my boss for – he doesn’t pay for the ‘goo’.

What’s needed is a way, like water from a tap – an instant flow,
so that parts and paperwork never lie idle – always on the go.

Why create all so much extra bits, it makes me sick,
for who want’s last week’s milk?

If only the system made individual parts when required,
rather like a restaurant – for what’s the point of a frozen dinner?

Life’s not perfect – neither is the work we do
but that shouldn’t influence us in wanting to improve.


Drowning in Data

Drowning in Data

Data comes all round in heaps,
millions of it processed, analysed and stored for keeps.

Someone clever decides to capture another useful attribute,
but has it long term value, forgotten in the glute?

Every hour I get a call from a customer, dear
often frustrated and in fear.

His information wrong on the system, bending my ear,
and he’ll be leaving us soon I hear.

I can listen, process and solve his fear,
boss deems more knowledge is in the glute, then in between my ear.


Insight versus Instinct

Insight versus Instinct

Insight is only,
a gap between,
instinct from senses,
and real knowledge,
from your unconscious.

Find that insight,
within the space.

It’s always clear,
in hindsight,
that insight exists,
was always there,
and within you.




Think not what the data tells you,
more what questions you want answering,
whether it be a profound question
or a simple question,
a bold question or a meek question.

Ponder on the answers you get, ponder long
if it is real insight or dressed up meaning?

If the answers are of real value
they will turn true and even intuitive.

And they will give you the fuel and fire
to make your change happen.


“Being a Coach” – A poem on change by Ketan Varia

Being a coach

Just because you have tasted success,
it doesn’t mean there isn’t another way.

Just because you can see the pitfalls,
don’t forget the learning from them.

Only advise when you are clear,
that two points of understanding need joining,
otherwise move along.

For the path the way to change,
can only be discovered by the self.