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January 17 , 2016 | Posted by Gautam Pujari |

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Part 1 of Assessment
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* Indique une question obligatoire
How many employees in your organisation? *
Include contractors and part time staff
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How many change management programmes are in place currently? *
A change programme  is one that impacts many functions and is usually of the type where business processes are redesigned, brand new products or services are delivered, a new IT systems is implemented and/or a new culture/values are being embedded
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How many change trained staff exist? *
Change managed staff are those that have a clear method/approach that bring about organisations change using a range of process and people tools
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How many change management iniatiatives have they been in the last 2 years? *
A change programme  is one that impacts many functions and is usually of the type where business processes are redesigned, brand new products or services are delivered, a new IT systems is implemented and/or a new culture/values are being embedded
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How successful have these been?
A success is something where the organisation yielded a majority of benefits that it set out to achieve at the start of the change
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If there has been a success in the past, what do you think has been the causes? *
Success can be defined as where a majority of benefits were achieved and greater then the investment made for change
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If there has been any failure in the past, what do you think has been the causes?
Failure is there most benefits were not achieved, or the organisations is worse off after the change or there is no return on investment in the change
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