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Final Form



March 12 , 2016 | Posted by Gautam Pujari |

Final Form

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Organisational Assessment for Change
This assessment is part of Kinetik Solutions work on understanding your organisation's ability to deal with change. The diagnostic will be used in conjunction with data analysis and focused interviews with a range of stakeholders at your premises. Our diagnostic report will give you clarity of focus on potential areas of improvement and opportunities for investment. Multiple people from the same organisation can complete this survey, depending on discussions with our consultant.

This assessment must not be copied or used without the express permission of Kinetik Solutions Ltd. Please contact bebetter@kinetik.uk.com for any queries.
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* Indique une question obligatoire
Background to your Organisation
We need to know a few things about your organisation
What is the name of your organisation? *
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Which function do you work in? *
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How many employees in your organisation? *
Include contractors and part time staff
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How many locations do you have? *
Include national and international locations
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What specific change management programmes are in place currently? *
A change programme is one that impacts many functions and is usually of the type where business processes are redesigned, new products or services are delivered, a new IT system is implemented and/or a new culture/values are being embedded. Please list each Programme as P1, P2, P3 and its area of change etc. in conjunction with the next questions.
Votre réponse
How successful have past change programmes been? *
A success is something where the organisation yielded a majority of benefits that it set out to achieve at the start of the change.
Very (self evidential)
Somewhat (some evidence)
Not sure (no evidence)
Not been successful (evidence to prove this)
Change Project 1
Change Project 2
Change Project 3
Change Project 4
Very (self evidential)
Somewhat (some evidence)
Not sure (no evidence)
Not been successful (evidence to prove this)
Change Project 1
Change Project 2
Change Project 3
Change Project 4
If there has been success in the past, what do you think was/were the cause(s)?
Success can be defined as where a majority of benefits were achieved, and were greater then the investment made for change.
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How many change trained staff exist? *
Change managed staff are those who have a clear method/approach that bring about an organisations' change using a range of process and people tools
Current Process
We need to know more about your current end to end service processes.
If there has been any failure in the past, what do you think were the causes? *
Failure is defined as where most benefits were not achieved, or the organisation is worse off after the change, or there is no return on investment in the change
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How much clarity do you have on how valued your product or services are to the customer? *
The features of value must be verified by their importance to the customer and have been validated
What are the most things that you do well in terms of business processes? *
How many of your work processes are standardised. *
By this we mean, those which are followed by staff who work to a written set of standards. There may be different standards based on variation of service elements
What is the adherence to standard processes?
Even though you may have standard processes, many staff may ignore these, either due to necessity to meet customer value or the lack of buy in.
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How often are standard processes improved? *
How many times on average do products/services need to be reworked during the process to get to the right quality outcome? *
How much are decision and operational processes informed by data based evidence/knowledge?
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How much variation is required in service delivery?
You may have a multitude of different outcomes required by different types of customers for common elements of service delivery
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Organisational Culture and  Leadership Style
What is your dominant Corporate Culture(s)? *
Choose more than one if there are different cultures at play in the organisation. Based on The Competing Values Framework for cultural assessment, by Quinn and Rorbaugh.  
What are your dominant leadership style(s)?
Choose more than one if there are different leadership styles across the organisation.
How clear is the organisation's vision and purpose to all staff? *
If you have ever carried have ever carried out a staff survey, this will give you some indication.
How are the organisation's mission, values and behaviours linked to operational excellence? *
On average how much time is spent by management fixing errors? *
Some good indications of errors are: not getting things right first time, repeated conversations, lack of clarity, poor and slow decision-making, duplicating effort, rushing and making mistakes etc.
 How would you like change to be sustained in the long term? *
If your success was completely guaranteed in terms of operational excellence  what bold steps might you take? *
If it helps think about what a newspaper headline might say about the bold step you took.
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Reason for Future Change
We need to understand your need and plan for change
What are the major reasons you want operational change? *
 Is there a compelling reason for staff to take part in an operational change programme in your organisation? *
How urgent is the change? When does it need to start? *
Do you have at least one director who is accountable for change? *
How effective are your current leaders/managers in delivering sustainable change?
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We need to understand the current capability you have for change in your organisation.
How aware are you of key influencers in your organisation? *
An influencer is defined as someone who others listen to both on a formal and informal basis. They may exist at any level of the organisation in terms of status.
Do you have a change team that works on organisational improvement and change? *
If so, how big is the team (including part time resources)?
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What expertise does the team have? *
How are people likely to  feel about changes to ways of working? What areas will cause the biggest resistance? *
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