Sep17 0 September 17 , 2018 | Posted by Gautam Pujari | Philosophy Feedback Form JavaScript isn't enabled in your browser, so this file can't be opened. Enable and reload.Philosophy Cards for Business ChangeSign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more* Indicates required questionHow do you rate the design of the cards? *Poor12345ExcellentWhat two things did you find the cards helped you with? *Your answerWhat two things would you ask to change? *Include and grammar changes or cases where text is not clear.Your answerWould you see the cost for these cards as a good investment? *YesNoWould you recommend these cards to a colleague? *YesNoMaybeThank you. Final Question! What is your name?This would be helpful to us in our analysis. However we respect your right to anonymityYour answerAnything else? Please let us knowYour answerSubmitClear formNever submit passwords through Google Forms.This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy Forms